
                                              2017年7月4日 つくば国際会議場



Japanese and The Beatles
- How should the Music Therapist Respond?

Mitsui Noriaki

The International Association for The Study of Popular Music

The historical British pop group The Beatles music has spread to Japan in 1964 affecting a great multitude from the teenagers and older. After 50 years, these adolescents who are presently in their 60’s continue to buy their music. As a result, a lot of their music are used by music therapists.

  In March 1957, John Lennon and his friends formed a group called The Quarry Men.  Soon after, Paul McCartney and George Harrison joined. The band’s name was changed a few times before the Beatles was adopted. In 1962, Ringo Star replaced Pete Best as their drummer making a band of 4 until the group disbanded. In October of the same year, a record “Love Me Do” made its debut under producer George Martin’s Parlophone Records, a company affiliated with EMI.  In the following year, the single record “Please, Please Me” was released and made a big hit in the UK and was liked by the same generation making them the top group. Their popularity spread also to U.S.A, and in February 1964, the fourth single “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was released making it to the top of the three biggest American Music Magazine Charts.  For the next two months, their top five songs dominated the music world. Their fame spread to Japan among the teens and people in their 20’s. These young people heard their songs over the radio and bought the records. Some translated the original English lyrics into Japanese to sing along with the records. Many decorated their rooms with the Beatles photographs. The Beatles exceeded the Japanese stars in popularity. However, their music and looks were beyond social common sense in those days, and they received a lot of criticism by adults through media and the press.  When the Beatles visited Japan for the first time in June 1966, they attracted severe security precautions with police monitors fearing that that there might be fan riots or assassination plot by the members of the extreme right.

  All the 12 albums released until the Beatles disbanded in March 1970 recorded high sales all over the world and are still having high sales.  Many of the 213 music pieces they left are highly valued and are presently used in music textbooks.  They are also used in classical music. It is said that they left a great achievement in the field of music.  Their work occupy an important media in music therapy for the elderly generation who were teenagers and young adults in 1964.  Therefore, the study of Beatles music in various fields should be given a push.  Thus, I conclude that this research is beneficial for music therapists.


1.     Burrows, T.  Yamamoto, Y. Beatles Kiseki no 10 Nensi(The Beatles The Complete Illustrated Story) Shinko Music 

2.  Who's Who. The Beatles Zinbutu Dai Ziten (The Beatles Encyclopedia) Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.

3.  Uchida, K, Beatles Zen Shinshu (Comparative Lyrics of The Beatles) Shinko Music

Key Words

Japanese People
he Beatles
Music Therapy






  ビートルズは1957年3月ジョン・レノンと仲間たちで結成したクオリーメンである。その後ポール・マッカトニー、ジョージ・ハリスンが加わり数回の改名を経てビートルズと命名された。1962年ビート・ベストに代わりリンゴ・スターが参加し解散時まで続く4人組となった。同年10月EMI傘下のパーロフォン・レコードで同社プロデューサ−、ジョージ・マーティンの手によってLove Me Doでレコード・デビューした。翌年2枚目のシングルとして発売されたPease Please Meが本国で大ヒットし同世代に好まれトップ・グループとなった。その動きはアメリカにもおよび同国で4枚目のシングルとして発売されたI Want to Hold Your Handが1964年2月三大全米音楽誌チャートすべてで第1位を記録した。その後2ヶ月あまり上位5曲が彼らの作品でしめられた。その影響は日本にも及び10歳代から20歳全般の人たちに好まれた。彼らの曲目をラジオで聞きレコードを購入した。同封の歌詞カードを見て自分たちで日本語訳も試みレコードに逢わせて歌い、自室に彼らの写真を飾ることなど日本人人気スターをも超える存在となった。しかし彼らの作品、ルックスはそれまでの常識を破るものでありマスコミ・言論界など大人社会からはよく見られす様々な迫害も受けた。そしてビートルズが初来日した1966年6月極右勢力によるメンバーの暗殺計画が明らかにされたこと、ファンによる暴動の恐れがあるとして厳しい警備体制が惹かれ大勢の警官監視の下でのコンサートは開かれた。




